Best Storage Devices from KingSpec Official Store for Hard-Drive Jumper SSD Laptop 2242mm-Ngff Kingspec M.2 M2 Sata 1tb 2tb 240GB 120GB 500gb Hdd
Buying produc online particularly if it gets to the easy profitable products can be very annoying but fortunately it need not be when one locates the right shopping online site. What has to be said though is that it does not necessarily mean that having all the products available on one site one will buy the top of the range Hard-Drive Jumper SSD Laptop 2242mm-Ngff Kingspec M.2 M2 Sata 1tb 2tb 240GB 120GB 500gb Hdd or the best value for cash product but at least it widens a person's opportunity a bit so one can perform better comparison. When buying items online always make sure which company or perhaps from which type of distributor you are buying to establish if there is some form of guarantee attached to the merchandise you are buying....Buy Now
Customer reviews:
Date: 27 Nov 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
great pricing fast delivery & item received in good yet to try it out & install it onto the laptop...highly recommended!!!
Date: 23 Oct 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
well received.. yet to try.. received as ordered. hope everything work.. slow shipping maybe because of after holiday. thanks..
Date: 15 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
perfecto hasta el momento, ya le instalé Windows, todo bien contento con el producto, muy rápido tras la prueba. 5 veces más rápido que mi HDD.
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 23 Dec 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
so far so good, works normally.
Date: 16 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
bueno bonito y rapido
Date: 16 Jan 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
товар пришел быстро, отправлен в день заказа. Пришел нормально упакован. Продавец хороший, у меня возникли проблемы с товаром, но продавец пошел мне на встречу и мы договорились. спасибо! продавцу 5 звезд.
Date: 09 Dec 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Chegaram rápido em Santo André, eu já tinha comprado antes e são muito bons.
Date: 10 Jan 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Produto Sensacional recomendação a TODOS podem, comprar sem Medo Vendedor 100% Confiança
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 09 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
i don't like disk test write I hope the disk won't die in a year there are several disadvantages no temperature sensor Unfortunately, disks larger than 512 GB and 2242, which were not available for purchase on 0/03/2021, are not for sale locally.
Date: 26 Oct 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
SSD chegou muito rápido no Brasil, Guarulhos. Eu precisa ter dual boot no meu Thinkpad X240, para trabalhar. Um SSD para uso pessoal, o outro dedicado para o trabalho. Muito fofo, bem pequenino, funciona perfeitamente. Já instalei o Windows nele. Chegou em 14 dias, não fui taxada. É fácil de instalar também. O notebook está muito rápido, era tudo que eu queria. Vale muito a pena comprar as coisas na China, pois os preços são bem acessíveis. O vendedor também encaminhou o SSD muito rápido. Recomendo!
Date: 12 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Все нормально, работает исправно. Старенький ноутбук прям ожил. Использовал переходник на 1.8" микро сата.
Date: 07 Nov 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Muy contento, llego en los plazos acordados, funciona perfecto... El producto cumple con todas las especificaciones para mí notebook HP EliteBook 840
Date: 22 Oct 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Good product. Low price. Thank you! Покупался для установки в Chuwi LarkBox (тесты сделаны на нем же). За свою цену - отличный выбор, единственная засада - датчик температуры отсутствует и показания температуры залочены на 30 градусах
Date: 14 Nov 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Llego en el tiempo indicado y funciona perfecto sin problemas en lenovo w541
Date: 20 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Muy buen el paquete y se puede decir que a los registros de velocidad van súper bien !
Date: 04 Nov 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Пришёл быстро.болтик в комплекте.Поставил залил windows 10 .все шустро работает.посмотрим на сколько долго качество будет такое будет.
Date: 26 Nov 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Заказ получил, всё соответствует описанию, проверил работоспособность SSD-диска M.2 KingSpec M.2 NT-128, работает нормально. Хороший продавец.
Date: 14 Dec 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
рабочий м2 по характеристикам в описании. в кз за 50 суток в сборной посылке! Всем хороших сделок!
Date: 28 Nov 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
for algerian, takes total of 44 days for shipping to my door (you will recivr a call by post office), befor you buy check compatibility and follow seller instructions, bust price for know
Date: 25 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
пришло быстро, упакованно в пакет с пупырками один слой, так что если он попадет под что то тяжёлое, может повредить плату.